Promotional Products

MOQ 100 Hand Throw Confetti Streamer Portable Recycling

Production Time: 7 Working Days
100 $1.39 each
300 $0.89 each
500 $0.73 each
1000 $0.69 each
3000 $0.65 each
4000 $0.64 each
5000 $0.36 each
10000 $0.35 each
20000 $0.34 each
30000 $0.34 each
Celebrate in a colorful and fun way when you use these confetti streamer poppers. From celebrating a wedding, to a birthday, to a new year, these colorful streamers can instantly enhance the mood and ambiance of any party. Their compact design makes them easy to carry around until it is time to pop. These streamers are also extremely easy to cleanup as they are all connected to their container they were in. Even better, they are recyclable so you won't have to worry about throwing away something that is bad for the environment. Quantities ordered of 3,000 pieces and more are eligible for sea shipping. Your brand can be the highlight of the party when you decide to imprint these fabulous confetti streamers.

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

Product Size

Additional Information
1.97" confetti streamers are recyclable


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